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Become your own graphologist

There are 2 main camps of handwriting analysis: you can look at the specific formations of specific letters (trait stroke approach), or you can look at the whole picture (gestalt approach).

I spent a couple of decades immersed in gestalt handwriting analysis, aka graphology. It was my first way in and the approach I fell most in love with. I love how it can be applied to any language (trait stroke approach is specific to language), and it even works on doodling!

Both require training and experience, but, I’ll let you in on a little secret: you can use some elements of graphology to analyze your own handwriting.

For those of you who like to journal, this can be very helpful in identifying underlying subconscious patterns that may be at play.

Our subconscious never lies. And while your mind may not want to pay attention, the subconscious always finds a way to express itself—somewhere, someway, somehow.

I trained myself to gaze at writing without becoming distracted by what is actually written (I can stare at a page of writing for several minutes, entranced by the patterns and rhythms, without ever reading a word of it). If you have a knack at this, awesome, you’re one step ahead.

If you don’t have it yet, try turning your journal page on its side, or even upside down. That way, your mind won’t be distracted by trying to re-read it.

Now, relax and notice.

Think of your writing as an expression of your body.

Are there places where it stands up straighter? Or maybe leans forward, eager to express its feeling? Or even backward, as if it doesn’t want to have anything to do with that phrase?

Are there places where it gets tight and scrunchy and uncomfortable? Or, are there places where it opens up and flows freely?

Do words suddenly jump up enthusiastically, screaming for attention? Or, do they get lower and more depressed, like the weight of the word is too heavy to bear?

You can also watch the overall line of each writing/sentence. Is it climbing upward optimistically, or falling down in sadness?

It’s a fascinating way to get more in touch with your subconscious aspects. And remember, it doesn’t make you wrong. It’s just a clue. It’s not there for you to fight with or wish away. No matter what you see, it’s a part of yourself asking for love.

Here’s to your deeper explorations.

Shine on,



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