I remember learning about Masaru Emoto’s brilliant and groundbreaking research into how words and music affect water when I was in my psychology studies. I hadn’t explored metaphysics yet, but this felt like a primer.
Emoto had spent a decade studying wave fluctuations in water. Sparked by a reminder that no two snowflakes are the same, he set off on an epic quest to capture the principles of the crystals. His research assistant broadened their process to study the effects of music, which then led to discerning the effects of words.
His journey was deeply metaphysical as what he discovered shaped his views of the cosmos itself.
If writing Love and Gratitude on a piece of paper and taping it to a bottle of water produced a beautiful blooming crystal, what does that do to your body? Repeating the experiment with the word Fool produced distorted and malformed crystals.
What do you think is happening with the thoughts that endlessly cycle through your mind? What diatribe are you running?
I’m going to give you a magical process taught by my mentor, Danielle Dulsky. She calls it Home Frequency. I'll show you how to tweak it so that you can customize the process to what feels best to you.
When you catch yourself with unhelpful thoughts—you’ll know it because it won’t feel good to think them, close your eyes. Place your hand on your heart. Take a deep breath—a good, deep one that expands your belly. Let it leave. Do it again. Once more.
Say to yourself: Gratitude, Love, Peace.
(Ps, this was taught to me as Gratitude, Love, Empathy. However, if you’re struggling with emotions, that may bring up a charge.)
Affirmations are wonderful, and I am all for them. It can be a process, though, to change your beliefs. The mind has resistance to and opinions about affirmations and statements. It can argue with you and add even more tension into the mix. Focusing on the word itself tends to carry less of a charge. It’s like a sigil for the mind.
Keep saying it to yourself: Gratitude, Love, Peace. Feel into it. Let it harmonize throughout your system.
When you feel a settling-in sensation, ask yourself: What is the next action that feels most aligned, most inspired, most correct for you? You may bring to mind whatever it is you're contemplating.
How does that feel to move through your body? If it wildly jumps you away from that home frequency of Gratitude, Love, and Peace, it may be too big of a step to take at that time. Repeat the process. Does the next step that comes to you feel closer to home?
That’s a sign that it’s in alignment for you.
For my Human Design peeps, I’m willing to bet that home frequency is code for your Authority. When I’m satisfied and following my Sacral, I’m naturally in tune with my home frequency. I hum right along, centered in my own process.
For those with Emotional Authority, this can be an especially helpful process to tap into the multitude of perspectives you’re designed to see as you navigate your wave. It can help you access your depth.
For Splenic people, this can be a body-calming technique so that you can more easily hear your quick, intuitive hit.
For Egoic people, this brings you back to the core of you. And, what better way is there for you to make your decisions?
For Mental Projectors and Reflectors, you’re able to let your body guide you in the wisdom it’s been absorbing. It gets the mind out of the way so you can feel your way through it.
While I recommend keeping Gratitude and Love in your home frequency chant, you may want to customize that third word with what you’re looking to bring more of in your life: Satisfaction, Success, Peace, Surprise or Delight.
Outside of Human Design, maybe it's your word for the year: Magic, Creativity, Fun, Contentment. Or, maybe it's in tune with a specific goal: Prosperity, Romance, Health, Leadership.
You’ll know it when you key into it. It will feel authentic and grounded, like an essential expression of your nature. If nothing is coming to you right now, start with Gratitude and Love. Those are game-changers in their own right. You can expand when the time is right for you.
As Natalia Benson says, “Words are wands.” You are always creating, always manifesting, always attracting, always expressing. We are living works of art.
Your mind is going to have its nonsense. This isn’t about beating yourself up if you catch yourself in negativity. I want you to have a well-stocked toolkit to get you back on your path. I want you to know how to come home to yourself.
I’m walking right beside you.
Shine on,