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Whether you're a Generator or Manifesting Generator, you carry a specific Sacral template for your particular response. In this exploration of the all-holy Sacral, I've distilled multiple lectures, personal experience, and my training in advanced mechanics to provide a workable framework for living as a Sacral being:


  • What constitutes a decision
  • Initiating vs. responding
  • How the Sacral template lives in the Mandala and expresses humanity's larger theme
  • Description of each Sacral Gate and its corresponding response thematics
  • How the Gate responds sexually
  • The bonding strategies of Gate 59 as a Genetic Role
  • How to analyze your specific Sacral pattern
  • How to conduct a Sacral session


I also include guideposts of Cognition and Motivation as a way to help you when there isn't a formal decision in front of you (but you still have to live your life).


Turns out, Ra wasn't exaggerating when he called Generators holy. There is an awesome responsibility to living correctly. As you continue to answer your existential question of "Who am I?" and navigate in response, you transform not only your own frequency, but the world around you.

Do you want to learn more? Are you ready to take your experiment deeper?


It's an incredibly journey into the very core of you.


This exploration is recommended for those at an intermediate level who are familiar with the basics of mechanics (Gates, Channels). While you don't need to be versed in advanced mechanics, I recommend you have a copy of your chart handy so you can reference your Design Sun/Earth Cognition Tone and your Personality Sun/Earth Motivation Color.

The Holiness of the Generator (aka Sacral Response Themes)

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